2009年2月6日 星期五

U.S. Airways Crash Rescue Picture: Citizen Journalism, Twitter At Work

在2009/01/15 Janis Krums 用iPhone將墜機照片上傳至Twitter,成為此事件的第一手消息,隨後也有人拍到相關照片上傳至Flickr


全美航空班機紐約墜河 150人獲救

美國US Airways航空第1549航班的A-320型客機在美東15日下午3時26分 (台北16日清晨4時26分),從紐約拉瓜底亞機場飛往北卡羅來納州夏洛特市,起飛才30秒,撞到鳥群,要求返航,結果墜落曼哈坦西側的哈德遜河,救援快如閃電,掉進冰點河水裡的148名乘客和五到六名機組人員全部獲救。


Dan Frommer January 15, 2009 3:47 PM

Janis Krums from Sarasota, Florida posts the first photo of U.S. Airways flight 1549 on Twitter from his iPhone. Thirty-four minutes after Janis posted his photo, MSNBC interviewed him live on TV as a witness (see video below). News coverage at Google. Live video at Fox News. TV reports suggest that everyone survived the crash.

Here's the video of Krums talking on MSNBC

A second photo from Gregory Lam on Flickr

