2010年3月9日 星期二


Gamers (generations) by K. M. Kapp, 2007
  1. Gamer 1.0 (birth 1961-1970, gaming 1971-1980, game: Pong)
  2. Gamer 2.0 (birth 1971-1980, gaming 1981-1990, game: Pac-Man, Spac Invaders, Battlezone, Super Mario Brothers, Tetris)
  3. Gamer 3.0 (birth 1981-1990, gaming 1991-2000, Myst, Zelda, Tomb Raider, Diablo, EverQuest, Super Mario 64)
  4. Gamer 4.0 (birth 1991-2000, gaming 2001-2010, SimCity, The Sims, Halo, World of Warcraft, America’s Army, Grand Theft Auto 3)

Traits of Gamers
(in K. M. Kapp 2007,from J Beck & M Wade)
  1. Problem solvers
  2. Multitasking
  3. Competitive
  4. Resilient
  5. Confident
  6. Sociable

Attributes of Gamers
(by K Dini, psychiatrist, 2008)
  1. Gamers are more autonomous
  2. Gamers believe there are various routes to success
  3. Gamers attempt to work with what they have instead of waiting until situations are perfect
  4. Gamers use trial-and-error methods
  5. Gamers are more likely to ask for advice when needed
  6. Gamers adapt
  7. Gamers often feel that people can succeed with hard work
  8. Gamers believe there are benefits to risks
  9. Gamers recognize the benefit to following a grand strategy
  10. Gamers believe in personal responsibility (e.g. in MMORPG)
  11. Gamers recognize the benefits to functioning in a group (e.g. in MMORPG)
  12. Gamers learn leadership skill (e.g. in MMORPG)

