2009年1月24日 星期六

Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008

Technorati: State of the Blogosphere 2008

Technorati 的2008部落閣統計報告

Welcome to Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2008 report, which will be released in five consecutive daily segments. Since 2004, our annual study has unearthed and analyzed the trends and themes of blogging, but for the 2008 study, we resolved to go beyond the numbers of the Technorati Index to deliver even deeper insights into the blogging mind. For the first time, we surveyed bloggers directly about the role of blogging in their lives, the tools, time, and resources used to produce their blogs, and how blogging has impacted them personally, professionally, and financially. Our bloggers were generous with their thoughts and insights. Thanks to all of the bloggers who took the time to respond to our survey.


知名的部落格搜尋引擎 Technorati 每年都會進行有關全球部落格圈的動態調查,日昨剛發佈了今年的調查數據。受到社群網站與媒體的影響,部落格的熱度已不若以往,但部落格的數量仍不斷快速增加,顯示部落格開始走進人們的生活,並且扮演舉足輕重的角色。

Technorati 從 2002 年就開始進行對於部落格的追蹤調查,迄今的部落格索引量已經達到 1.33億 ,可說是相當驚人。而今年的統計,結果顯示在過去四個月內共有 740 萬篇部落格文章被發表,若只回顧過去一週,則有 150 萬篇文章被發表,而這也顯示了大眾對於書寫部落格的頻率正在下降。至於這股熱度,極可能被社群網站或微網誌所吸引,好比 Facebook 或 Twitter 都可能是轉移部落客發表文章重心的原因。

此外,商業廣告也席捲部落格圈。根據 Technorati 的觀察發現,目前主流的部落格都有放置廣告來賺錢,他們的年平均收入為 1800 美元;至於每月獨立訪客超過十萬的高人氣部落客,年收入在 6000 到 75000 美元之間。

