2009年1月24日 星期六

Web 2.0 不是新概念

現在普遍接受的讀/寫或共享內容的Web 2.0性質,萌芽於1980年Tim Berners-Lee的原型網路軟體(因此在Berners-Lee觀點中,Web 2.0並不是新的想法)。然而,失去了原來所提出的網路內容分享的觀念,且沒有再出現,直到Ward Cunningham 在1994-1995間寫了第一個wiki。Blog是另一個早期的讀/寫現象,其在獲得充分的發展下,在1997命名為weblog。然後到了2005年夏天,Web 2.0這名詞的出現。一年後Tim O’Reilly 帶領著一個研討會探討這名詞的意義,並隨後在2005年9月詳細的寫下這現象。

The seeds of what is now generally accepted as the read/write or shared content nature of Web 2.0 appeared in 1980 in Tim Berners-Lee’s prototype web software (thus in Berners-Lee’s view there is nothing new about Web 2.0 ). However, the content sharing aspects of the web were lost in the original rollout, and did not reappear until Ward Cunningham wrote the first wiki in 1994-1995. Blogs, another early part of the read/write phenomenon, were sufficiently developed to gain the name weblogs in 1997. It then took until the summer of 2005 for the term Web 2.0 to appear. A year later Tim O’Reilly led a conference session to explore the meaning of the term and subsequently wrote in detail about the phenomenon in September 2005.

Tom Franklin (2007). Web 2.0 for Content forLearning and Teaching in Higher Education

